Aviation Broker

Air Ambulance

Private jet is not only convenient but also necessary sometimes.

To get to the remote place without transfers, to have a better schedule, to be in time etc. 

Air Ambulance

One challenging request we sometimes need to work with is air ambulance. 

Air ambulance is very different from regular jets due to the pecularities. 

First of all we need to know the exact diagnosis and flight requirements, for example sometimes the passenger needs oxygen or something else. 

We need to get flight approval from the hospital of departure and the receiving party also needs to confirm the passenger will be met and taken to the destination. 

Usually air ambulance jets are not able to make long distance non-stop, if it is a long flight there most likely will be a necessity of a fuel stop, and we need to consider whether that will be convenient for the passenger due to the pressure change during landing and taking off. 

Another question is who is accompanying the patient. Sometimes one person is allowed on board. But there definetely is a paramedic on the jet for the emergency case. 

These and other questions need to be discussed when preparing an air ambulance flight. 
Contact us to get started. 

Your Sales Manager 
Viktoria Kshevinskaya


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