Aviation Broker

Frequently Asked Questions


How much does a private charter flight cost?
How do I pay for my flight?
When can I book my private charter flight?
How do I book my private charter flight?
Can I change my booking?
What happens if I miss my private charter flight?
Which type of aircraft are available?
Which departure and arrival airports can I choose?
What is the procedure at the departure and arrival airports?
Are there toilets on board?
Can I take my dog or my pet parrot with me?
Are private charter flights safe?
What is the composition of the crew?
What kind of Catering can I have out of Moscow?

If you have any further questions, please contact our service team who are at your disposal round the clock for 365 days a year.

Strong Partners

We are member of EBAA and RUBAA and in cooperation with Argus our main focus is on your safety.


Aviation Mobile Apps

Check out our Aviation Broker Empty Legs apps available in the Apple App Store for your iPhone and iPad!
